The South China Morning Post summarizes the key points we know from this weekend’s announcement:
Hong Kong government should strengthen its efforts to monitor and manage schools and societies where national security is involved
Hong Kong government will set up a commission to safeguard national security, which will be chaired by the chief executive and include an adviser appointed by Beijing
Hong Kong leader to appoint designated judges to preside over cases
Common law principles such as presumption of innocence and other human rights safeguards will be ensured
A central government agency will be set up to analyse the national security situation in Hong Kong, and ‘monitor, supervise, coordinate and support’ the local government’s efforts, collect intelligence and handle relevant cases; mainland agents are required to follow Hong Kong laws
Hong Kong will lead enforcement of the law except in a ‘very few’ cases where Beijing will retain jurisdiction
The new law will override local legislation should conflicts arise
This is surreal - for HK gov not only gives up independent governing power just like that, but also becomes the hitman that does the dirty work. It fits 被卖了还帮别人数钱. If you are at the bottom of a top-down structure, of course you gonna suck it and say it’s tasty. Welcome HK to join us; it’s fun.
The Hong Kong national security law was the main news item of the NPC. It looks increasingly likely that the law will be passed at the end of June. The haste is surely connected to the Legislative Council elections, which are scheduled for September: last November the democratic parties swept the board in district council elections and a repeat must not be allowed. The fear is that the NSL will be used to bar candidates unacceptable to the CCP. Other fears are: the effect on the judiciary (whose underpins the rule of law so vital to Hong Kong’s prosperity); the re-establishment of the old ‘Special Branch’ as security police and the setting up of mainland security organs in Hong Kong; and a hint that the NSL will reopen the question of national education, which led to protests in 2012 (the decision of the NPC referred to the Chief Executive reporting on the ‘carrying out national security education’).
Two things are particularly concerning. First is the removal of opposing candidates, which can immediately dismantle whatever differentiates HK from any other cities in China; Second is the national education, which can destroy whatever HK could have had in the future.
Doing unusual things at Mac startup has long required remembering keyboard shortcuts. Is it Command-Control-P-R or Command-Option-P-R that zaps the PRAM? Is that still even a thing? Is it Command-S for Recovery Mode—or wait, that’s Single User Mode, it’s Command-R for Recovery mode, Command-T for Target Disk Mode, Option to choose a startup disk.
The thing is Apple built the “superior” UX perception so strong and Apple devices are so popular, that people like me easily forgot about the many inconveniences (subtle or another) in its systems, like this one.
So in our great App Clip future, I’ll be standing in front of a parking meter, or sitting at a table in a restaurant, or standing outside a cafe, and there will be something for my phone to scan, whether it’s a QR code to photograph or an NFC sticker to tap or a fancy, circular new App Clip Code designed by Apple that’s both a QR code and an NFC sticker.
Quite a blatant copy of WeChat mini programs. So is the UI overhaul over Android. Apple has been like this for quite sometime with many examples like the nightshift feature over f.lux. This is no different from Amazon pushing its own brands over similar commodities sold on Amazon. Obviously whatever Apple copies turns out to be better than the originals, given its resource and the advantage of having OS-level integration. Amazon is being exposed for its anti-competitive copying effort, wonder when or if Apple would be picked for the same at all?